Sugar Bottom
Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Terry Trueblood
Trail Open

Trail Status
March 9, 2025

Sugar Bottom
Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Terry Trueblood
Trail Open

Covid-19 Trail Access Rules

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has extended its recreation area closures through May 31 due to COVID-19.

Parking and Trail Access

The front access to Sugar Bottom will remain closed to vehicle traffic and the only parking available will be the back lot and the Mehaffey Boat Ramp lots. There is a lot of demand from all park users this spring – disc golfers, hikers, trail runners, cyclists – and during peak hours of some days the back lot quickly reaches its 14 vehicle capacity. Parking is not permitted along Sugar Bottom Road due to safety concerns, so any overflow needs to park at the Mehaffey Boat Ramp lot, then you can walk or ride through the front entrance gate.

If you do manage to park in the back lot, please leave as soon as you complete your ride. Now is not the time to socialize after a ride; free up a parking spot and minimize contact with other people.

Responsible Trail Access Guidelines During Social Distancing

  • Ride well within your limits. If you are injured, you may need help from fellow riders who will have to get close to you, or add unnecessary burden to the health care system.
  • Pass with extra caution. Call out your intention, and wait until there is room to maintain at least 10 feet of clearance.
  • Avoid riding as a group. Ideally only ride with members of your household but if riding with others, maintain generous clearances.
  • Avoid lengthy socializing with friends or acquaintances you see at the trail. A quick ‘hello’ and keep moving. Not only does standing around talking about that winter trip afford the opportunity to share germs, but it makes it harder for other riders to avoid your growing group. We can all can catch up later.
  • Respectfully share these guidelines with people who haven’t seen this information. Avoid an argument, but folks who don’t comply with these needs jeopardize access for all of us.

Other Helpful Guidelines to Increase Trail Access For All

  • Ride your bike to the trail. This is always a good idea for a variety of reasons, and currently helps out with parking constraints
  • Avoid peak hours. There are usually fewer trail users, and more parking spots in the morning.

Parking / Trail Access Map

COVID19 Closure Map

We are all making sacrifices right now for the public good, but we are still able to access the trails. The next weeks and months will seem much longer if our land managers have to close parks because we can’t abide by some simple rules.

Share this, pass the word on the trail, make good decisions, and stay healthy.