Sugar Bottom
Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Terry Trueblood
Trail Open

Trail Status
December 29, 2024

Sugar Bottom
Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Trail Closed

Terry Trueblood
Trail Open

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Iowa City Bicycle Friendly Community Q&A Event

The City of Iowa City is hosting a Bicycle Friendly Community Q&A session at noon Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, over Zoom. All bicycle riders and enthusiasts are invited to learn about progress on the Iowa City Bicycle Master plan, as well as to ask questions and provide feedback.

The City of Iowa City recently submitted its application for a Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) designation with the League of American Bicyclists (LAB). As part of this process, the LAB is seeking public input to gain a better understanding of local bicyclists’ experiences with our bicycle network.

This Zoom session will be an opportunity for the public to learn more about Iowa City’s Bicycle network, including new and upcoming bicycle infrastructure projects and local bicycle education and encouragement efforts.

Bicyclists and those interested in bicycling will have an opportunity to ask questions, provide feedback, and learn about the BFC survey. Information and discussion shared during the Zoom session will help local bicyclists provide informed and impactful feedback on the BFC survey.

Those interested can register for the Zoom Q&A session online now!